Thomas Barnett
Thomas Barnett is a published illustrator of children’s books and various other media. He works on numerous freelance projects and has satisfied clients all over the world. He is also the editorial cartoonist for a local newspaper. Thomas is a frequent guest in artist alleys at conventions throughout the Midwest, not only presenting his own work, but also doing on-the-spot commissions. He is the creator and owner of his own daily comic strip The Lil’ Miesters. Thomas was recently inducted into the prestigious National Cartoonists Society for his work on the Lil' Miesters. A new strip can be viewed every day at www.lilmiesters.com! Want to witness this all yourself? Then by all means, do so! You can check out Thomas’ work in several places. Besides www.lilmiesters.com, you can also see his art on his artist Facebook page illustrated Tom, or via The Lil’ Miesters Facebook page. He can also be found on Elance as TBarnett, or you can even email him directly at tomsdrawingboard@hotmail.com